Thursday, January 6, 2011

To begin and/or continue

I've had this blog for a while now and hadn't decided on what to post in it. I keep thinking that I need to post something "really good" or I'll never get anywhere, but that's just me having delusions of grandeur again. That happens sometimes; always has. Sometimes, when I do something insignificant like addressing a letter in my own hand at work, I might start to daydream a bit about people clamoring on eBay for my personally addressed envelopes. The bids are going up and up and the hoarder-like person who held on to the seemingly pointless envelope in the first place is sitting in front of their computer screen, rubbing their hands together like Mr. Burns on "The Simpsons" while seeing the numbers climb. I even go so far as to imagine what sort of house they live in and how their life is going to change because I was too frustrated with the printer at work to print out a set of labels and, instead, hand-wrote the address on the envelope that contained their certificate and thank you letter. Erhm...yeah. Delusional, but still mostly sane.

Dreaming has always been a nice respite from daily life and yet it tends to reinforce how normal and blasé everything seems to me at times. I'm not complaining at all, just dreaming.

When we went to the archaeological Jamestowne site this past summer, I had imagined asking poignant questions and having Bill Kelso (head of the project) turn and credit my insight and knowledge right before asking me about my schooling and seeing if I was available for some field work during the next year. Yeah...he was there and I knew what I wanted to ask, but I quailed and my mom asked a simple question about something I already knew. I just smiled and kept my mouth shut. At the time I attributed my trepidation to the extreme heat and the fact that my face was red with exertion, but I'll admit I was just embarrassed (and overheated). I'm just like anyone else with an interest in archaeology and that just isn't too interesting or outstanding. I know things about different subjects and my interest fuels questions and topics for research later on. I majored in English with a minor in Anthropology. Nothing too special, but it's me and I actually did it. That's gotta count for something, right? In my daydreams, they count for everything and they count a whole lot more than they do in everyday life.

Dreams, delusions, wisps of imaginative thinking...whatever they are, they help keep me grounded and they bring a nice little hint of excitement whenever they appear before my eyes.

I have no idea what sorts of crap I'll end up posting on here and how often I'll post, but it'll be interesting to see, even if it's just me looking.

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