Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mega storm

There's a lull in the huge storm outside (tornado warnings and all), so now I'll fill it up with the clacking of my keyboard. No silence for me! Not since Megacon, anyway.

Oh THAT was a totally worth it weekend. From Friday to Sunday, it was non-stop action with all the costuming, photographing, posing and BUYING that Ryan and I did! There are so many elements that make up a great "comic" convention: awesome artist's alley, good panels, great celebrities, fun activities other than just panels, nice location, high level of costume participation and good vendors/booths. There are more, but these are the most important to me as a con-goer and Megacon has all of this in spades. sounds like I've been going for years upon years, but this was my only my third Megacon ever. I think my sister has been to more than I have; she's the one who convinced me it was worth the drive and the ticket cost my first year. Now, I look forward to the next year the day it's over!

This year was our first year attending all three days of the con, too. I couldn't have asked for anything better. We also finally attended my sister's Dr. Horrible "picture show"; it was fantastic! They did such a good job! I know it's only going to get better every year and I can't wait to see them get the recognition they so rightly deserve.

Our costumes on Saturday were definitely my new favorites, even as much as I love my Sunday costumes. On Saturday, Ryan and I were Kaylee and Jayne to match my sister as Inara and her friends as Wash, Mal, Simon and River, all from the TV show "Firefly" and its sequel movie "Serenity." Being part of such a large "Firefly" group (who were all TOTALLY in character) was endearing - not just to me, but also to everyone who knew what we were portraying.

Sunday, Ryan and I were Lilith and Mordecai from the "Borderlands" video game from Gearbox Software:

I worked like a slave monkey getting things together for them last year (the year the costumes were created and first worn to Megacon); I love them and we look great in them, but the "Firefly" costumes suited our personalities perfettamente! Ahh...memories. But enough about us and on to my next favorite part: ART!!!

This year, I refused to buy any toys (except for mermaids and that Kaylee maquette I've been dying to find - neither of which I found, sadly) and only spent money on art that I loved. Oh yeah! Ditto for Ryan. No silly baubles for him, either. All art, all the time. My personal favorites (from whom I purchased art/books/etc. this year) are: Mike Maihack, Michael Dooney, Christian Slade and Gene Gonzales.

~I've been following Gene Gonzales on his blog since I saw his name and art on the Megacon website last year. This year, I actually bought his book of pin-ups and fell in love with his work all over again. He's a prolific blogger and I love checking his practically-daily postings. His style is so clean and pretty!!!!

~Michael Dooney I just learned about this year and I was crazy impressed with his sketchpainting and quick sketches in Japanese marker pens. I bought a few little books of his and he showed me a great sketch of Inara that he was working on there at the con. Oh wow...intricate and entrancing. She was just as lovely as she was on the show and even had Serenity flying off in the background. Maybe one day he'll sell it... ^_-

~Christian Slade was once a Disney artist and his drawings of dogs (especially Corgis) are absolutely adorable and awesome at the same time. He designed and drew this amazing series called "Korgi" that I am in love with. They're about these fairy/gnome-like beings called Mollies and these magical Corgi-like dogs called Korgis. More specifically, the books are about the adventures of one young Mollie named Ivy and her Korgi cub, Sprout! I just LOVE Sprout!!!! He's absolutely adorable! I can't wait until the third volume comes out - hopefully in time for Megacon next year!

~Mike Maihack is an artist who draws adorable comics and an awesome webcomic called "Cleopatra in Space" let me ask you something: HOW ON EARTH DID I MISS THIS LAST YEAR!?!?!??? I have been absolutely head-over-spleen in love with Ancient Egypt since practically my birth and I miss a giant banner with the lovely Cleopatra and Khensu (A SPACE KITTY!!!!!!) on it during my one day jaunt to Megacon last year?!?!!!! What is my world coming to? Where was my head? Oh was that itchy but beautiful pink wig...AND the facts that we only came on Saturday, got there later than we wanted, it was absolutely packed and we could hardly walk 5 feet without stopping for a picture (because last year was Borderlands' big year). Oh yeah. That's how I missed him. Well, now that I know and have purchased both Cow & Buffalo comic books along with "Ash: the Time Travelling Kitty" and the printed version of the first chapter of "Cleopatra in Space" (and Ryan bought a crap-ton of absolutely squee-able prints), I'm considering myself a fan...and next year, I'm totally bringing way more cash. Underestimated that this year. <3

*phew* Completely committed to doing this again next year and Ryan agrees. This will be our big outing for the year (excluding any trip to see a Duran Duran concert, of course) every year and we're excited about it already.

Back into the storm...

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