Wednesday, April 27, 2011


What an unoriginal title, but it's incredibly apt, so I'll use it.
So many things are happening with too many changes taking place. I can't drown, because I'm a mermaid, but, as of right now, I'm tangled up in too much seaweed and there's a sense of panic rising within me. There's no real reason to panic, but I can't help it. The water's still cloudy and it's making it hard to see my way out of this slimy clump. Argh! "Time to face the strange," indeed, Mr. Bowie.

Over the Easter weekend, I enjoyed swimming with my little cousins. They're fun little fishies now that they can swim without those inflatable swimmies and we played a game I made up where if Candace or I put a diving ring around any little ankles, they were our "pet" until they could remove the ring; they loved it, as did we. Of course, they didn't get tired of it and their excitement turned into gleeful shrieks as we swam anywhere near them. So, every once in a while, to escape the shrill cacophony of happy little voices, I sank to the bottom of the deep end and just watched the sun beams penetrate the water's surface. All I could hear down there were muted splashes and the delightful fullness of a content feeling. My fears were gone and I thought about nothing down there. As the light flashed prettily off of my shiny, painted fingernails, I contemplated nothing, glorious nothing.

Unfortunately, I cannot sink past this blasted clump of seaweed. There is no escape except for straight through and that's hard for a lazy, panic-prone mermaid like me. I become alternately panicky and then lethargic. It's awful! I must remain calm and work my way through it. Perhaps I can alleviate some of this stress by striving to write something for myself every single day. That might help. Like I said, I've been lazy lately and have refused to do even that. I've been sinking into books, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I've been letting the other authors do all the work and THAT is bad. I need to help myself out of this icky patch!!! Some changes are good, some aren't great and others are downright terrible, but whatever they are, I just need to deal with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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